Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Blankie Goes to Rome

Saint Peter's gets to me. It's another one of those places that is so huge giants should live there (like Mont St. Michel blog post written November 2010).

And so over the top, it seems that the God worshipped here could not possibly have been born into such humility that his birth was witnessed by animals.

Swiss Guard

They do have some mighty fine get ups, though.


I know this photo is bad, but I have to include it. When I contemplate the pain felt by the mother holding her dead child, I feel connected to the divinity in humanity.

Michelangelo believed that God placed the figures in the rock for him to uncover, and so I believe that God places treasures in our lives that only we can uncover.

Such as the love of a perfect blankie.

There was a bizarre processional while we visited that I tried to capture on video. My camera thought my glove was more interesting...notice super tall Swiss Guards compared to tiny priests.

This is the altar designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. I really want to call him Bellini, and I'm afraid it's going to happen some day. I am embarrassed in anticipation.

Here the boys are touching the smooth foot of St. Peter.

I want bees in my family crest!

This is the Cathedra Petri, also by Bellini, a shrine built to house what was thought to be the throne of Saint Peter.

One fun thing about the Basilica are these grates. You can peek into them and see below. Behind Bernini's altar, there is one where you can glimpse the red wall which covers the tomb of St. Peter.

Just don't lie down to get a better view. The boys can attest to that.

Michael discovered that Mike's glasses reflect light in fun ways.
Nice view of Castel Sant'Angelo, the mausoleum of Hadrian.

Still dustings of snow. Chilly!!
And then there was tiramisu. The boys' first tastes of Mike's favorite dessert.

The next day we visited the Coliseum and Roman Forum.

It is majestic, and such a familiar sight. And like seeing the Acropolis, very moving.

And yet life can be so unfair, even in the shadows of the Coliseum. Dominic spent all his toy money on our first day out, and Michael saved a bit of his just in case. Just in case, in this case, was one of those freaky, squishy, toy balls that row after row of Indian gentlemen smash down on hard plastic surfaces just as your young one walks by. Only one euro! Such a bargain!

Can you spot the tear?
So Dominic grieved for the one euro we wouldn't spend.

Notice Michael dangling super fun toy...

We moved on to Nero's Domus Aurea, his Golden House, where he supposedly burned Christians in his garden at night for lighting. Nice!

The boys found a hoop and got to work playing, next to the Domus Aurea, in view of the Coliseum.

We rode a super crowded metro back to Cipro station and our hotel bus.

This adorable treat was waiting for us in our hotel room.

Oh, and when we got back to the hotel, Michael finally got to smash that freaky ball onto the smooth marble floor. First try, the ball exploded into a watery mess. Best euro we ever spent!

O great mystery,
and wonderful sacrament,
that animals should see the new-born Lord,
lying in a manger!
Blessed is the Virgin whose womb
was worthy to bear
Christ the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. You did it! You called him Bellini just after hoping you wouldn't (about the altar!) No shame! And now I really want a cocktail!
