Wednesday, November 9, 2011


These are the people I am missing so much. Aren't they dreamy?

Early morning chess game with vampire spectator nestled in coffee table bed.

Count Dominic rising from his blankey filled tomb.

Trying to replicate Pollo Feliz, Mike and I made roast chicken, corn tortillas and salsa.

It was satisfactory.

London Pride
 I have to include these, because I think they are so adorable.

The first photo shows detail from a drawing by Michael of different animal bullies. Featured here is the shark bully.

This next photo shows Dominic's version of Michael's shark bully. Admiration for a big brother.

Happy Halloween! We had a fun night with our American friends and our neighbors. First pizza and veggie party.

Followed by traditional trick or treating.

Our American babies were forgetting the rules, shouting "Happy Halloween!" as people opened their doors.

Mike and I hissed, "It's trick or treat!"

Best neighborhood pumpkin!

There is a shortage of pumpkins in England (perhaps elsewhere as well?). I subjected myself to a grocery store search the day before, which is stupid, I know.

Pumpkins were not to be had, but watermellons did the trick!

I think they make smashing jack-o-lanterns!

Lastly, a peek at Anna in her halloween getup as Devendra Banhart.

In case you're wondering, here is the real fellow.


  1. Gosh those pictures are adorable and your older kids are so good looking. I can't believe those big brown eyes, so beautiful.

  2. These are fantastic photos! We don't have pumpkins galore here also. I will take your advise and cut a watermelon next year!!

  3. Sorry that post was from me, us, here in OZ..... The Breshears' Family!

  4. Kristen, thank you! I miss them so much, but I am so proud of how amazing they are living so far away. Watching them grow up and get on their way is the best.

  5. Meg, thanks for the comment :)
    I was so happy with how the watermellons turned out. We feasted on the insides and had a great time. The reddish insides add a creepy glow that was festive as well. We missed the roasted pumpkin seeds though!
