Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The White Cliffs of Yoga

We drove from Canterbury to see the White Cliffs of Dover. In December the sun sets very early. It starts looking like dusk by 3:30 or 4:00, depending on cloud cover. By 4:00 to 4:30 it is quite dark, so if you want to see anything anywhere, you've got to be there early. I think we made it to Dover a little after 3:00, the very end of the day.

At the trailhead the path is slippery and runs next to a precipitous drop off. The boys wanted to climb up the hill directly next to the path in the above photo, slipping down onto the path. It didn't take any stretch of the imagination to see them falling over the edge. It was unnerving. We herded them along to a safer view.

I want to go back for a proper hike someday.

The view is beautiful and although we didn't stay very long, I was thrilled to see the cliffs.

I loved having William and Anna near by to squeeze and love on!

I didn't have high expectations of quality family time after our long day in Canterbury and Dover. And then this happened.

In the midst of our Christmas present detritus, a yoga fest happened spontaneously.

As you will see, Anna and William are flexible freaks of nature. Precious baby dollies!!

I have been flexible in my life, but currently I am as stiff as a board!

This is all I've got!

Michael joined the fun.

William doesn't even attend yoga classes.

Nimbus 2000 put to use.

He put himself into this position.
I think there must be a Hindu or Buddhist god just like this.

I end with this photo, showing my happy self.

I love my family so much.

I am so grateful to life for allowing me to have had four precious humans. They are my dearest wishes, I am delighted and my cup truly runneth over.


  1. Wonderful cheery post and clever title! Your kids are beautiful and they all seem to have a great sense of self. Great indulgence to have them all together and Mike gets right into the mix too and hopefully he didn't strain his lower back with his stretching antics.

    1. Thank you Kristen, it was my lower back in distress...I will be getting my uptight self into yoga ASAP!
